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Mommy Yoga


All Mamas Deserve to be Well Mamas


Wellness, Uniquely for You

WellMamas is on a mission to redefine wellness for busy moms. We understand that being a mom comes with its own set of challenges, and taking care of yourself shouldn't add to the stress.


Our approach is refreshingly different. No more overwhelming fitness plans and rigid diets. We craft personalized wellness journeys that adapt to your life, not the other way around.


We believe wellness is the intersection of fitness, nutrition, and mindset, and can look differently for everyone. We take your unique circumstances, goals, and values to create realistic, sustainable wellness plans just for you.


Our 1:1 coaching provides the support you need, with gentle accountability, weekly guidance, and the flexibility to adapt your plan as life happens. Plus, you'll automatically be included in our community of moms making wellness work for them. 


Welcome to WellMamas – wellness, uniquely for you.

Yoga Pose
Online Meditation

Our Process

A holistic approach to holistic wellness


Values-Based Goal Setting

We kick-off your wellness deep dive with a comprehensive review of your values to help inform the wellness plan we'll put together. With your values identified, we'll then work together to create a list of both short and long-term goals that align with your values and will serve as milestones along your wellness journey.


Movement, Meals, & Mindset

Next, we'll focus on the three pillars of holistic wellness: movement, meals, and mindset. In this part of the program you'll receive custom fitness plans, meal plans (complete with recipes and grocery lists), and meditative practices, all tailored to your specific goals, circumstances, and desires. 


Lifestyle Audit

The lifestyle audit is where we deep dive into your day-to-day to identify the gaps between where you are today and where you want to be. This part of the program tackles key areas such as time blocking, productivity methods, habit stacking, and more. You'll walk away with practical, actionable insights and to-do's to transform your daily life.


The WellMamas Method

Finally, the core component of the program - The WellMamas Method - is where all your hard work from Steps 1-3 comes together. Our signature method teaches you not only how to effectively implement your personalized wellness plan, but how to maintain it for the long haul (and adjust when needed). 

Your Way

The way you define wellness is marked by your personal experiences and goals and we want your wellness journey to reflect that.


This is why our coaching program takes a comprehensive look at your values, desires, and commitments to tailor a plan specifically for you. There's no one-size-fits-all approach here. The WellMamas Method will be customized to your specific circumstances to ensure you walk away with a wellness plan that really works. 


Weekly coaching calls throughout the program


Values-based goal setting & program design


Customized fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness plans


Holistic, flexible approach to your changing needs


Practical, actionable roadmap to equip you for the long haul


YAY! We'll be in touch shortly!

If you're ready to get started or interested in learning more, drop your information below and we'll send you our coaching application.

Spots are limited as we can only coach so many clients per month. We appreciate your understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm busy - do I have time for this? 

The material is designed so you can go at your own pace. We know you're busy, so we designed the program to allow for flexibility in your schedule. Weekly check-ins are optional, but encouraged to get the most out of the program. 


How long does the program last?

You'll receive 12 weeks of 1:1 coaching as part of the program. However, the course materials are available to you indefinitely.


How do I know this will work for me? 

Because our program is so personalized for each participant, we are able to customize our approach to ensure it fits with your schedule and lifestyle. That said, you'll get out what you put into the program.


Is this just for moms? 

While the majority of our participants are moms, it is not a requirement that you be a mom to sign up for our program. We will tailor the material and coaching to you.


What if I'm pregnant or newly postpartum?

Both pregnancy and postpartum are such tender times for mamas, which makes them a great time to focus on your wellness. As a pre- and post-natal specialist, all material, fitness plans, nutrition, etc. can be adjusted for whatever season you are in.


Are payment plans available? 

Yes, we offer both one-time payment options as well as monthly payment plans.


Bailey Price

Certified personal trainer, nutrition coach, pre- and post-natal specialist, and busy mom, Bailey has a passion for helping mamas reclaim their wellness within the bounds of their busy lives. 

Bailey Price

©2024 by WellMamas LLC. All rights reserved.

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